Saturday, May 16, 2009

Summer is almost here!

Asalamu Alaikom Sisters!

I hope everyone is well, inshallah. I apologize for being away for so long, however, I have been busy enrolling in a nursing program and the hospital I work at has had a HUGE influx of patients due to people wanting surgeries done before summer vacations.

One thing I want to remind everyone of is to protect your sking from the sun. You can still be outside and enjoy the summer while being safe. Sun damage can not only make you look years older than what you truly are, but it can put you at risk for skin cancers which can spread to other parts of your body.

There is one never fail way to protect yourself and not hesitate to enjoy the sun: SUNSCREEN. Never leave the house without sunscreen! I repeat, NEVER leave the house without sunscreen. For us sisters who cover everything but our faces most of the time, the make special suncreens for your face. It is very simple to just put a layer of sunscreen under your make-up, if you wear any.

If you are unfortunate enough to get a sunburn, remember to drink plenty of fluids. Aloe Vera provides temporary relief, but it can inhibit the healing process because it clogs up pores.

I hope this was of assistance to someone out there, remember, if any of you have topics you would like me to write about, just let me know and I will do my best to put up a post as soon as possible.

Take Care!!!

Zawjat Marouane

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The "Swine Flu"

Salam to everyone, I just thought a good topic for me to discuss was the most recent public health scare all over the world: Swine Flu (or H1N1 type A influenza).

In my opinion, the seriousness of this strain of flu virus has been way over played by the media. In the United States, this virus has proven itself to be no different than any other seasonal flu that you would catch this time of year. This "pandemic" is also causing other reasons to be alarmed aside from the people being infected. Too many people are freaking out and going to local emergency rooms for no reason. THE SWINE FLU IS NOT A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, it should be taken as one. For example, if your baby has a fever and you take them to the emergency room, you are subjecting them to all of the other diseases and illnesses in the waiting area. You and your children have a much larger chance to contract something in the waiting room than to catch swine flu.

Here are some things to look for (possible symptoms of the swine flu):



3.)Trouble breathing


It is very unlikely you have the swine flu if you do not have a fever!

I will bust some myths about the swine flu:

1.)It is not contracted by eating pork

2.)It is not contracted from pig to human

3.)If medical attention is sought early, there is no medical risk

If you or a family member have some symptoms, please make an appointment at your primary care physician's office, or see your local health department. Please, do not clog up emergency rooms, the will most likely take your temperature, charge you hundreds of dollars and send you on your way.